Heidi Hoeckel

Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master

Heidi started her journey by learning about Reiki in 2005.  This led her to follow her strong desire to help people and become a massage therapist.  Heidi attended Spa Tech Institute and graduated in 2014.   The holistic massage therapy program she attended was described as "a highly transformational program particularly suited for people to awaken and use their intuition as well as increase their understanding of the whole person."  Heidi also took an intense 4-day oncology massage training and is able to help provide a safe massage for those going through cancer treatment.  As a Reiki Master, she enjoys providing Reiki in conjunction with massage to help the body's natural healing processes.  

Heidi provides relaxation massage and is able to work more deeply for chronic muscle tension.  Each customized session can include integration of Reiki for ultimate rejuvenation if so desired.   Providing a relaxing place to help you find balance and well-being in your body is the goal for each session.  

Heidi is located at the Kennebunk location.